The Evolution of the 2024 Gaian Congress

Our theme for the year has been divined, and it is very interesting to note its connection to themes of the past, we can see more clearly the journey we have been on.

In the beginning of our journey, back in the 2000s, for quite a few years the focus was on recognizing our own power, and the power of Love.  From there the themes centered around Union between the Realms, or perhaps Re-Union. (All of the themes starting from 2005 are posted here)

Over the past few years our journey has deepened:

2021: Rejoice in the Radiance of Reconciliation
For many years we have been focusing on Union and Re-Union with the realms of Nature. This year, the idea of Reconciliation speaks to a need for some deeper work before our Union can be fully realized. What wounds still need to be addressed? Can we see clearly what is keeping us apart? Our goal is Reconciliation between humans and nature, between humans and other humans, between humans and The Sidhe, and also between Masculine and Feminine. True Reconciliation brings a Lightness, a Radiance that is cause for much Rejoicing.

2022: Creating a Positive Future in Loving Alliances through out the Realms – the theme this year was originally ‘Creating a Positive Future in Alliances of Love’ but it was decided clarity was needed to emphasize the alliances are between the realms. But the central idea is that now is the time to recognize our power to Create the Future, and we do so with ALL of our allies

2023: Taking Action thru the Power of Our Connections – getting more specific this year! In Creating a Positive Future the time has come to Take Action, and using the power of our allies as we take action makes our actions that much more effective and impactful.

and now…

2024: Deepening into Potent Intimacy: Be the Beloved – continuing on from last year’s theme, when we took action, we really made ourselves available for relationship with our Nature spirit partners and in the spirit of reciprocity they in turn became more available for relationship with us. When we come together in such a dedicated way, powerful magic is possible!

This year’s Congress also includes a couple of new elements, as we continue on our evolutionary journey and increase our Order, Organization and Life Vitality (to borrow terminology from the Perelandra system of Machaelle Small Wright.)

This year, the weekend of the Congress has a structured flow to it:

On Friday, we will re-visit our theme from last year, Taking Action though the Power of Our Connections, with workshops focusing on Subtle Activism with David Nicol and Metaphysical Activism with Catherine Murupaenga-Ikenn.

On Saturday, we connect more deeply with our Allies, especially the Sidhe, as we take on this year’s theme of Deepening into Potent Intimacy. 

During the morning circle we are trying something new with a Round Table discussion on the Sidhe with Soren Hauge, Shonagh Home and Jaap van Etten.  We are excited about this opportunity to have a deeper conversation, to foster greater understanding and re-kindle connections with our cousins.

The morning workshops that day also focus on the Sidhe (with Soren Hauge and Shonagh Home), the afternoon features Crystal Skulls with Jaap van Etten and Connecting with the Fairy Allies of our Ancestral Lands, presented by Michelle McKinney.

Then on Sunday we have a full indigenous line up to connect us all more deeply with the roots of humanity.  Amantha Murphy lives on her ancestral lands in Ireland, Brooke Medicine Eagle represents the North American indigenous stream, Aislinn Kercheart channels the Kontomble of West Africa and Ilarion Merculieff is of the last Unangan (Aleut) generation that had a fully intact traditional upbringing.

Wow!  All that along with our usual meditations, songs, ritual and merriment that are a part of the Congress experience!
