Gaia Library



How to articles and guides for empowerment and spiritual development to connect to nature spirit and Gaia

Spiritual Journeys

Real life stories of spiritual journeys and meditative experiences when connecting with nature beings and spiritual entities

Our journey

The history of Gaian Congress and news updates from the Fairy Congress and Gaian Congress which is annual event where all types of spiritual beings connect and unite to empower ourselves to co-create a better world.



We have organized posts and articles into three categories

Empowerment has helpful, informative how-to articles about things we have learned along the way.

Our Journey are articles that relate to our history as an event and a community, reports from Field Trips in the physical realm.

Spiritual Journeys are accounts of meditative journeys we have taken and contain experiences and wisdom direct from Nature Spirits.

A library collected by Michael Pilarski, Friends of the Trees Society. In 1977, a friend gave me a copy of the book

May 31, 2017 This morning I decided to meditate with my house fairy and my fairy allies.  I had no set idea

by Mahala Frye The Sidhe are our cousins, emerging out of a deep energetic connection from the dawn of time. In the

by Normus, one of the original fairy ringleaders. The Fairy & Human Relations Congress has been under development for a long, long

Trees as Spirits, Trees in mythology, Trees as healers. A Bibliography by Michael Pilarski Edition #1. February 6, 2018, I have been

Diomira Rose ( was a presenter at the 2018 Fairy Congress.  After the event she sent us the following letter, and we

Journey to meet Earth Beings. Stone Gnomes. Michael Pilarski January 28, 2022. This was a journey during a zoom meeting of the

Our first Fairy Field Trip was a huge success!  Five of us met at Point Whitehorn, a small Nature Reserve north of

In September of 2021, a few of us met at Point Whitehorn for a fairy field trip, to meet the fairy family
