The Sidhe

Cousins of Humanity

Workshop Bundle #1: The Sidhe, Cousins of Humanity, includes:

A round table discussion with Jaap van Etten, Soren Hauge and Shonagh Home from the 2024 Gaian Congress.
They take turns answering three questions: How do we benefit from a partnership with the Sidhe, How do we be good partners to the Sidhe, and is there anything else their Sidhe allies would like us to know. 

Søren Hauge (1961) has worked as a Danish spiritual teacher since 1981. For 30 years he worked full-time as a teacher in theosophy and esoteric psychology, mostly in Scandinavia. He has an MA in history of ideas and philosophy from Aarhus University, has published 22 books and developed his own path as spiritual coach, specializing in SoulFlow, SidheWisdom and EnergyPsychology. Since 2007 he has been arranging spiritual group journeys to different countries and has been invited as teacher to US. Since 2012 Søren has worked intensively in collaboration with the Sidhe. He has written six books about the Sidhe and three of them are in English: “The Wild Alliance”, “Call of the Sidhe” ( and ”Finding Your ElvenHeart” ( His website is


Workshop: The Power of the In-Between
We humans are so used to thinking in A and B, in start and end, and in past and future. However, it seems as if we are almost entirely missing the treasure of existence. Our planetary relatives, the Sidhe, or The People of Flow, as they have also been called, can help us approach the saying “Mind the Gap” with a completely different awareness. When they do so, they also remind us that we are kindred spirits and that we can nurture our dormant inner Sidheness, just as they can recognize within themselves an inner Humaneness. In this sharing and attention lies the great hope for restoring wholeness – in ourselves, between us, and in the very fabric of the planetary miracle we call Gaia.

 So, it seems that in the exploration of the in-between lies a tremendous power. It truly is a healing power so deeply needed in a time of crisis like ours in this century. And it all begins with us. In my sharing I will focus on the power of the in-between and how we can begin discovering the wonders of life. It is an invitation to discover the almost extremely simple – and often painfully overlooked – wisdom of the interlude, the magic of the pause, the miracle of the in-between. Here awaits the marginalized royalty of our being and the portal to the healing playfulness that we sometimes call co-creativity. Ultimately, it’s not about we Humans or the Sidhe – it’s about wholeness. The in-between is calling us. But are we showing up?

Of Celtic heritage, Shonagh follows the wisdom of the ancients and is inspired by the Ban Draoi (dree) and Fili, which is Gaelic for a Celtic medicine woman/seer/poet. As a modern medicine woman, she brings her connection to nature and the spirit worlds into her flourishing practice, hosting individual retreats and working psycho-spiritually with clients from all over the world. She specializes in shadow work, delving into the rich territory of the psyche.

Shonagh has studied with master teachers and for the past 12 years has apprenticed herself to the mushroom teachers who have led her into profound connection with the spirits of nature and her ancestral roots. She is a published author and hosts the podcast, The Mushroom’s Apprentice.


Workshop title: Poetry and the Sidhe

In the words of Lady Wilde, (Oscar Wilde’s mother),  “. . . for music and poetry are fairy gifts, and the possessors of them show kinship to the spirit race – therefore they are watched over by the spirit of life, which is prophecy and inspiration . . .”


Poetry could almost be thought of as its own unique language, and one that is quite magical. Is it any wonder that many spells are cast poetically? There is something within us that seems to recognize the difference in quality between a piece of poetry and the common parlance, and we adjust our receptiveness accordingly. As a receiver of poetic transmissions from the Sidhe through the portal of the mushroom and the portals of the Scottish stone circles, I have come to see how poetry itself is a powerful portal.In this class I will induct you into a receptive state that will assist in the connection to the Sidhe and the facilitation of poetic flow. This is not something that can be forced, rather it is invited through a desire for wisdom and connection. Make sure to have pen and pad and we will venture into the realm of faerie for poetic inspiration.

Cyd Dudgeon is a lifelong student and meditant of deep works of esotericism, primarily Rudolf’s Steiner’s anthroposophy. She was a licensed occupational therapist in Home Health and Hospice for 15 years, and a certified music-thanatologist, offering harp and voice at the bedside of the dying for 20 years. 

In 2020, Cyd was introduced to the Sidhe through David Spangler’s Conversations with the Sidhe and the Card Deck of the Sidhe. Cyd immediately resonated with the Sidhe, and her subtle perception blossomed in their presence. Cyd Dudgeon has been communicating consciously with her Sidhe partner, Michael, for 3 years. In 2021, Michael communicated that “Many Sidhe are arriving” to work closely with human beings, and on September 28, 2021, the initial 101 Sidhe friends stepped closer to our world to collaborate with people. That was the First Wave of Sidhe. Now the Fourth Wave is flowing in, with 230 Sidhe to date in the community. 

The Sidhe, who are very quick studies and highly innovative, decided to draw closer to human beings and become more “visible” in response to comments indicating “hardly anyone will sense the Sidhe.” The Sidhe indicated that people attempting to attune with them would have some initial synchronicities and fleeting felt-sense of the Sidhe, and then give up trying, thinking it was only their imagination. 

So, now if individuals have some inkling they are connected to the Sidhe, one option is to contact the Sidhe Alliance and the Sidhe who is trying to attune with them will come forward and introduce themselves through a Portal Page on the website, a direct portal to the Sidhe. This personal connection greatly accelerates subtle perception and more conscious connection to the Sidhe. 

Cyd and her two colleagues within the Sidhe Alliance help to build communication and relationships with the Sidhe, and offer Grail Meditations and energy work in service with Gaia. Come and learn about this highly innovative endeavor initiated by the Sidhe.
