January 24-26, 2025

Awaken your bond with Nature Spirits, Dragons, Unicorns, Sasquatch, and more!

At the Congress you will experience
* Group Rituals for Planetary Healing: Engage in powerful ceremonies to support collective transformation.
* Activations to Open Your Channels: Align with Source to enhance your spiritual communication.
* A Like-Minded Community: Share insights, grow together, and build lasting bonds with fellow seekers.

This isn’t just an event—it’s a immersive experience of healing, wisdom, and connection with both the spiritual and physical worlds

based on over two decades of connection and co-creation with Spiritual Allies!

Register before December 21 for FREE access to the VIB pre- and post-event gatherings! Details below

How is this different from other online events?

We gather LIVE, in real time, and although we are not together in physical space, the ability to see and hear each other does a remarkable job in weaving a strong energetic container for deeply transformative experiences.

In gathering together, we create a powerful field which amplifies our abilities and sensitivities, building a stronger bridge across the dimensions. This creates a more expansive connection and enables us to be more effective allies in co-creating with the Subtle realms.

There are many online summits these days, each one with hours and hours of content… The Gaian Fairy Congress is about EXPERIENCE with the power to TRANSFORM, rather than content.

All sessions are live and include an opportunity to interact with your fellow participants, enriching everyone’s field. We experience the collaborative energies of the New Earth, and from that experience we change our reality.

All experience levels welcome! Whether you have just become acquainted with the hidden realms of the planet, or have many allies already, you are invited to come take your place and deepen your connections in service to the Light. The group field meets everyone wherever they are and provides a boost of energy, elevating everyone’s experience.

Gaian Fairy Congress
Gaian Fairy Congress

Why is it called a Congress?

A Congress is defined as ‘a meeting of representatives from different groups at which ideas are discussed and information is exchanged’.

This is the heart of what the Gaian Congress is about – coming together with our subtle allies to join forces, to learn how we can work together in healing and regenerating the Earth.

Our allies consist of many different types of beings – those from the Fairy and Devic realms, Star Beings, and other inter- dimensional inhabitants such as the Sidhe, Sasquatch, Dragons and Unicorns. The Congress is one of the few places where many different type of being can come together to co-create.

The Gaian Congress is all about CONNECTION – by connecting with each other we create a high vibrational field, allowing us to connect more strongly and clearly with our unseen partners.

This field exists on the quantum level, outside of time and space, and is accessible when watching the recordings.

This enhanced field also creates an opening for beings from even higher dimensions to join us, bringing their pure high vibrational light onto the planet and into our lives.

Community is at the Forefront of the Gaian Congress Experience

We hear from many channellers and seers that we are entering the Age of Cooperation, that community is what will take us forward, and is what we all are craving.

It is clear that what is arriving for us now cannot be assessed solo…This new world we are entering is inter-connected, but not dependent, and is fueled by community, and this community is to be connected to the earth and the cosmos. – Aluna Joy Yaxkin

We have been gathering for over 20 years! In that time we have built a wealth of community connections that support our onward growth.

Each session at the Congress includes Small Group connection time. Many heart-centered, lasting friendships have come out of these conversations, providing deep soul nourishment that is fuel for evolution.

You know, there’s a poem. How do I love the fairy Congress? Let me count the ways. It was just beautiful. Lindsay, thank you for all that you put into it. Every part of it was just unique, it is such a great feeling to come back to community and feel where you belong, to see familiar faces and meet new ones. The breakout groups were really great, so lovely to connect with people.

I loved all the variety of indigenous speakers and the round table was amazing. I love that idea to hear from different people and get different pieces of the puzzle, they perceive things differently. It’s really great to see the overlap and how the understandings are similar but different and nuanced. So thank you for that.

– Krista

Why should you attend the Gaian Congress? There are many benefits!

Experience Lots of Fun and Reverie

We are not frivolous, although we do have lots of fun and reverie. Our intent is communication and cooperation, not only for our personal selves, but for all of humanity. We are allying ourselves with Mother Earth and with the forces for peace and love on planet Earth.

Emotional Support and Comradery

The discussions and Small Group Connection times provide the emotional support and comradery of coming together with like-minded people. You are not alone! You are not crazy! Make new friends to walk with on your path!

Contribute to the Evolution of Gaia and All Life Forms

At this time of multiple crises affecting humanity we feel it is very important to seek alliances with as many light forces as possible in other realms. Beings in the subtle realms ARE big players in what is transpiring on the planet. Though many deny their existence, the numbers of people who are tuning into the spiritual realms and to the nature spirit/fairy/devic realms is increasing by leaps and bounds.

Gain Lasting Joy, Peace and Love

All of the Nature Spirits in our home space and neighborhood get to feel the energies of the Congress and are enlivened by this contact. They are then more able to show up for us and our relationship takes on a new depth of connection. That’s one of the main benefits of connecting with Nature Spirits and our Subtle Allies, as they exist in that higher dimension of Joy, Love and Peace, so when we connect with them that energy infuses our beings.

The Schedule

This is the tentative schedule for 2025, subject to change.

Everything is LIVE but is also recorded in case you miss it. All times listed in Pacific Standard Time. Here’s a Time Zone Convertor.

The schedule consists of five sessions over the weekend, with a long break in between to allow you time to go outside and connect to your Nature Allies in person. Each session is one step of our journey together.

Thursday, January 23rd ~ ✨ For VIBs Only ✨

6:30 – 7:30pm Gathering: Space Clearing and Upliftment for our Homes with Mahala Frye of theawakeningheart.net and Lindsey Swope of owlandunicornhealing.com  A powerful pre-event gathering where we will cleanse the energy of our home spaces, creating an aligned and supportive foundation for the transformative journey ahead.

Friday, January 24th

  Preparing the Ground (Elements of Earth and Water)
4:00 – 4:15pm  Welcome, Open Sacred Space
4:15 – 4:45pm Yoga to Awaken and Energize our Subtle Sense Antennas, with Lindsey Swope
4:45 – 5:15pm Connecting our Inner Waters with the Waters of the Planet to facilitate communication, with Mary Getten
5:15 – 5:45pm Small group connection circles
5:45 – 6:00pm Community share
6:00 – 6:10pm Break
6:10 – ?? Concert with Sarah Lertzman and Deva MacVittie

Saturday January 25th

  Activations! (Element of Fire)
10:00 – 10:30am Source Frequency Activation with Malika
10:30 – 11:30am Lemurian Green DNA Activation with Bev Templeton
11:30am to 12pm Small Group Connection and Community Share
12pm to 3pm Break – Go Outside and Connect!
  Communication (Element of Air)
3:00 – 4:15pm Connecting with our Subtle Allies, Speed Dating Style: Fairies and Nature Spirits, Dragons, Unicorns, Sasquatch, Sidhe and Special Mystery Guest
4:15 – 5:00pm Crystal Bowl Sound Bath to Integrate and Process

Sunday January 26th

  Deepening and Expanding (Element of Ether)
10:00 – 10:30 am Small Group Connection Circles to discuss our experiences from Saturday
10:30 – 11:00am Community Share
11:00 – 12:00pm Journey for Planetary Healing with Michael Pilarski  and Amba AlianaHi (Bring a small crystal to charge)
12:00 – 3:00pm Break – Go Outside and Connect!
/td> The Journey Onwards (Elements of Earth and Water)
3:00 – 3:30pm Integration Journey: How do we take this forward?
3:30 – 4:00pm Small group discussion of integration journey
4:00 – 4:30pm Community Share
4:30 – 5:00pm Angel Wash

Monday, January 27th ~ ✨ For VIBs Only ✨

6:30 – 7:30pm Gathering for Grounding and Integrating
Going out into the cosmos was so powerful and the being that came was so crystalline clear. That’s something I noticed in my journeys this time, it was more than three dimensional, there was an aliveness, an electrical feeling.

The experience was incredibly rich, every exchange, every person that I spoke with was a magical fairy delight or a magical realm delight. To come home with that, and then to have all the unseen beings that I connected with, gratitude to all of them, there were so many, and on so many levels. I love the title for the Congress. It was fitting and it followed through everything. Every presenter that I chose had the information that I needed.

Most of my experience with the subtle realms is somatic and so Amba’s whale song was profound for me. I actually felt myself sink into the cushions I got so grounded, like it literally pulled me to the earth. It was extraordinary just to be with this group again, and to see the faces that remind me that there’s magic in the world.

I don’t think that I could limit myself to one moment, it was really all of it for me. The way that every presenter that I went to, and every time we met, there was a journey, some kind of stepping into altered reality that was really profound. To be able to have that with each piece was wonderful. I think one of my takeaways is that meeting on Zoom is not a limitation. I love when we’re together in person, I’m so looking forward to this summer, but it really isn’t a limitation to meet on zoom. I made new connections, I’m really blown away by the new connections that I made in the spirit world. One of my new allies from the Gaian Congress came with me to the dentist today, that was wonderful! We went for a walk together along the river, it was really awesome. To have that richness right away is so worthwhile. The experience of standing together to do work together as a community in David Nichols’ Subtle Activism felt exponentially powerful.

Camilla has been involved with the Gaian Fairy Congress almost since it’s inception, first as a participant and then as a presenter.  Listen to her experience.

Our Contributors

Lindsey Swope

Lindsey has been involved with the Congress since its inception in 2001. She has always felt a strong connection to the Earth and earned degrees in both Geology and Geography before recognizing her spiritual call to work with the subtle realms of Fairies, Devas, and Nature Spirits. Lindsey serves as the main ambassador between the realms for the Gaian Congress, assisting in interpreting between the non-human and the human participants.

Mahala Frye

Mahala Frye has spent most of her life in the Pacific Northwest, where a deep love of the waters, mountains, and trees developed along with her profound love for the Great Mother Goddess. She is a 3rd Degree Priestess and Elder in the Majestic Tradition of Wicca, and she practices Theta Healing, as well as Reiki. Mahala operates within the Core and Peruvian Shamanism systems, which have blended seamlessly with her many years of experience working with the Perelandra materials.

Mahala currently pursues her Healing arts through The Awakening Heart, a Shamanic Practice based on the Kitsap Peninsula.

Mary J. Getten

Mary was a telepathic animal communicator for 22 years. She also taught workshops and teleclasses, and led trips to meet with whales and dolphins in the wild. She is a founding member of the Global Tree Lovers and has organized the monthly Global Water Healing meditations for over 10 years.


Sarah Lertzman

Sarah has been a favorite of the Gaian Fairy Congress for years. She sings magically attuned, Nature inspired songs accompanied by her family.


Malika is an Activator of Source Consciousness, an Intuitive Healer, and the Creator of the Direct Source Connection Technology which allows you to connect to your own Source directly and apply that connection to your daily life. Malika works through Source and her pure essence to heal and transform lives. Being a catalyst for soul growth and transformation, she does everything from resculpting traumatic moments and past lives to removing karmic contracts that block you from upleveling your frequency and moving into the next level of life.

Through her strong intuitive gifts, she is able to feel into what you need at any given time and holds space for you to transform through Source directly. She is also able to strengthen your connection to Source through channelling your own personal Source Sound and Frequency.

Beverly Templeton

In addition to her work with the Lemurian Mother Tree, Bev offers experiential classes to re-connect people to the natural world. Advocating a holistic approach to personal and environmental well-being, Bev enjoys combining the healing tones of the gong and the healing sounds of nature. She has many years of experience working with adults and children as a science teacher and yoga instructor in Sarasota. She has hosted Music of the Plants concerts throughout Sarasota and St. Petersburg and is a cofounder of Global Tree Lovers.

Michael Pilarski

Michael Pilarski is the Founder of the Fairy and Human Relations Congress, Friends of the Trees Botanicals and the Global Earth Repair Foundation. He is a life-long student of plants and earth repair. His farming career started in 2nd grade and his organic farming career began in 1972 at age 25. Michael founded Friends of the Trees Society in 1978 and took his first permaculture design course in 1982. Since 1988 he has taught 36 permaculture design courses in the US and abroad. His specialties include earth repair, agriculture, seed collecting, nursery sales, tree planting, fruit picking, permaculture, agroforestry, forestry, ethnobotany, medicinal herb growing, hoeing and wildcrafting. He has hands-on experience with over 1000 species of plants. He is a prolific gathering organizer and likes group singing

Amba Aliana’Hi

Amba is a Lyran Starseed and holds the vibration of Lemurian Love Fire. She is a carrier of the Original Tree of Life Templates within her DNA and is here on Mission Work to Restore Peace, Love and Harmony within the Ancient Tree. (The Human DNA and the Planetary Grid System)

She is an Indigo Spirit who is working under the Emerald Covent to assist the Earth in its Reharmonization. She is a Spiritual Healer and Priestess of Mu under the Melchizedek Colister Order. She works in co-creation with the Guardian Alliance and the Galactic Earth Guardians, the White Animal Kingdom, the Elven Elders, the Grandmothers and Grandfathers and the Council of 12.


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