Maple Queen

Maple Queen

I meet a very tall Fairy Queen (?) She is a queen but not a large one, a queen with a small domain.  She is connected to Maple Trees.  Her hair is blonde, her dress is a shimmery blue-green.  She has many grandchildren in the area, but currently no specific consort or...
Dragon Sanctuary

Dragon Sanctuary

The glen is busy today! There are sparkling lights and the air has a pastel hue. I sit for a while with some small beings who play around me. They are fairy children. I ask around for someone to meet with and a dragon comes forward and tells me to get on his back. We...
Finding Peace

Finding Peace

This is from Writing with the Fae this morning: I met my Sidhe guide and a dragon. Normally there is something apparent in the environment to talk about, but nothing came to my attention today so i asked them to tell me a story. This is what they shared: Once up on a...