Fairy Friendly Families: Dwarves

Fairy Friendly Families: Dwarves

Young children easily connect with non-ordinary reality (NOR), and as our children grow, in the grade school days, they begin to norm themselves with their peers, many of whom have not been encouraged to maintain their connection with the NOR. This can be...
Blending and Becoming: A Healing Mission

Blending and Becoming: A Healing Mission

Michael Pilarski, Jan 13, 2020 I just read a letter from a dear friend describing her ongoing bout with cancer. Of course, I immediately wanted to send extra angels and fairies to her aid.  To that end I convened the multi-dimensional team of nature spirit...
Crystal Skulls and the Sidhe

Crystal Skulls and the Sidhe

by Mahala Frye The Sidhe are our cousins, emerging out of a deep energetic connection from the dawn of time. In the early days before humanity descended very far into matter and misunderstandings became common, we often met, danced and celebrated in special places...
The Spiritual Life of Trees

The Spiritual Life of Trees

Trees as Spirits, Trees in mythology, Trees as healers. A Bibliography by Michael Pilarski Edition #1. February 6, 2018, I have been collecting books about the spirit side of trees for years. Here is an annotated bibliography of the books of the 17 books I could find...